Dylan D’Amato: American Plumber Stories

How did you get started in the plumbing trade?
A friend of mine had just finished his plumbing apprenticeship and throughout that time it was clear he was laying the foundation to a great career path for himself. I myself was involved in a different trade at that time, and after helping my buddy on a few jobs I really enjoyed working with the tools and helping the clients in need of the service we were providing. So I asked his advice, and I called his old employer who showed him the way, every day for a month begging him to give me a job and teach me how to become a plumber.
What do you like most about your work as a plumber?
What was fascinating to me was how many parts of the plumbing system we use every day in our lives that you don’t pay much mind to growing up. Washing your hands, brushing your teeth, taking a bath. Never once did I wonder where the water came from or where it went. Throughout the process of becoming a Lic plumber what I like most is how important we are to everyday society and how impactful our trade is in protecting the health of the nation by doing things the correct way.
What advice do you have for the younger generation entering the plumbing trade?
My advice to the younger generation would be to become a Plumber. It’s an awesome and great career path. You will get exactly what you put in, with opportunities to pave your own way. Dream big and reach heights you never thought possible.
You are in the driver’s seat of your own destiny! I use myself as an example. 11/1/2015 I started my plumbing journey at 10 bucks per hour by 1/1/2021 I started my own company and to date 12/28/24 we have grossed over 5 million dollars in revenue.
When I think back to helping my buddy out and asking his old employer everyday for a job to become a plumber, I would have never thought this was possible. I had no idea how successful one could be, and how many successful stories there are throughout our industry. We grew up in an era that blinded us from the successes one could achieve from twisting a wrench or becoming a blue collar entrepreneur! Jump in both feet soaking wet and hit the ground running. We are the nextgen of this industry leaders.
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