Jonathan Henry: American Plumber Stories

Read his American Plumber story!
How did you get started in the plumbing trade?
My older brother was plumbing before me. I moved to Round Rock, Texas and started plumbing because of him. He was a big influence in my decision. 6 and half years later and I’m a journeyman plumber and making great money. Have beautiful family that has stood behind me in my entire journey.
What do you like most about your work as a plumber?
I do mostly service work. There is no other feeling than being able to help someone out with their plumbing problems. God has given me a gift and I’ll always love helping people out.
What advice do you have for the younger generation entering the plumbing trade?
My advice would be don’t quit. Work hard for what you want and keep your head up. There will be days where you will wanna give up and days you feel like it’s the best thing that ever happened to you. If you stick with it you will be climbing the ladder. The money is there if you never give up.

Johnny is an amazing young man. He has come so far in life to have had such a rough start. I’m very proud of him. Aunt Sherry ❤️
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