James Damon Lee: American Plumber Story
Meet James Damon Lee from Everflow Plumbing.

Read his American Plumber story!
How did you get started in the plumbing trade?
I took a job making minimum wage to chase a dream of not being a failure. I was kicked out of high school and was told by many that it would amount to nothing. This motivated me more than anything.
What do you like most about your work as a plumber?
Impacting the lives of others and being a hero. Nothing more satisfying!
What advice do you have for the younger generation entering the plumbing trade?
Don't try to do this on your own. You will need many smart people around you to become successful. Stand on the shoulders of giants, who can mentor you and help you up to the top of the mountain.
I love your story! Even more I love the fact you made the personal decision to not rely or wait on others to make you successful! The title “Hero” is so fitting and descriptive of what we do. Yes, we get paid good money, but the money is minute compared to the safety hazards we encounter during and long after the job is done. Put a dollar amount on that today and years down the road! Guys like you do what you do because it’s a gene or trait, “the need to be dependable and help others!”
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