Danny Gronendyke: American Plumber Story
Meet Danny Gronendyke from Gronendyke Plumbing Inc.

Read his American Plumber story!
How did you get started in the plumbing trade?
After serving my country for 6 years in the Air Force, I went into the steel mills where my father worked. I worked there for 12 years and was bored. Needed a challenge. Needed to feel productive and useful to society. An opportunity was presented by a close lifelong friend to get into the plumbing apprenticeship program. I walked away from a mill job that I had never been laid off from, to go try something new at the age of 35. Obviously I was the oldest of the 11 guys in my apprenticeship class. It’s a move that I have never regretted for a single second!!!!!
What do you like most about your work as a plumber?
Hard to single out one thing. I enjoy helping others. I mostly specialize in service plumbing, so I am fixing things that people have no idea how to fix. I get to be the one who saves the day. I enjoy having to use my brain to work through problems to figure out solutions, then act upon that and finish with success! Not gonna lie, I do like the money it brings in for my family to live very well.
What advice do you have for the younger generation entering the plumbing trade?
TI say give it your all!!! Devote yourself to learning as much about the trade as you can! You will never be without a job if you give it you best! Learn learn learn!
What an awesome picture on the work truck!!! Love it hahaha.
Wow, that is a great journey in life and success only through hard work, diligence, focus, and faith! Kuddos to you Danny Gronendyke. Your MOM would be so proud as she always was. You have a character that needs to be remembered. Love you
Louie the Boiler man
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